
An invoice is an itemized list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs. Oracle Payables lets you capture all the attributes of the real-life invoice documents you receive from your suppliers. When you enter an invoice in Payables, the invoice information is divided between the invoice header and the invoice lines.

Invoice Types

Invoice Structure

Invoice Header

The invoice header defines the common information about the invoice: invoice number and date, supplier information, remittance information, and payment terms. Information specified at the invoice header level defaults down to the line level. You can override the header level information for individual lines, as required.

Invoice Lines

The invoice lines define the details of the goods and services as well as the tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges invoiced by the supplier. There can be multiple invoice lines for each invoice header. The Lines tab of the Invoice Workbench captures all of the details for the invoice line necessary for accounting, as well as for cross-product integration with other Oracle E-Business Suite applications, such as Assets, Grants Accounting, Inventory, Projects, Purchasing, Property Manager, and Receivables.

For each invoice, you can manually enter invoice lines, or you can automatically generate lines by matching the invoice to a purchase order shipment, pay item, or receipt. See: Matching to Purchase Orders.

Each invoice line can have multiple distributions tied to each line. Each distribution serves as the source for an accounting entry generated from the invoice. See: Distributions.

If you need to enter a price or quantity correction, you can do so for the specific line. See: Price Corrections.

You can set up line-level approvals using the Invoice Lines Approval workflow. Requesters must approve all lines before they can approve the invoice header. See: Invoice Lines Approval Workflow.

The following different types of invoice lines are supported:

Item Lines

Item lines capture the details of the goods and services billed on your invoice.

Freight and Miscellaneous Lines

Freight lines capture the details of your freight charges. Freight charges can be allocated to Item lines as required.

Miscellaneous lines capture the details of other charges on your invoices such as installation or service. Like Freight lines, Miscellaneous lines can be allocated to Item lines.

Tax lines

Payables integrates with Oracle E-Business Tax to automatically determine and calculate the applicable tax lines for your invoices. E-Business Tax uses your tax setup, plus fields on the invoice header and lines, known as tax drivers, to determine which taxes should be applied to the invoice, to calculate the tax using the appropriate tax rates, and to determine whether or not the tax is recoverable or non-recoverable. E-Business tax creates the necessary tax lines and distributions for the invoice and allocates tax. If your tax setup permits, you can update the tax lines or manually enter tax lines. See: Taxes on Invoices

Invoice Types

Payables provides the following invoice types:

You can use these invoice types to enter any type of invoice document you receive from a supplier. For example, you can enter basic invoices that are not matched to purchase orders or more complex invoices that matched to purchase orders at the header, lines, shipping or receipt levels. You can enter invoices in foreign currency or enter invoices for suppliers who are subject to income tax reporting requirements (1099). The characteristics of each invoice type are described below.

Standard Invoices

Standard Invoice are invoices from a supplier representing an amount due for goods or services purchased. Standard invoices can be either matched to a purchase order or not matched. Standard invoices must be positive amounts.

Mixed Invoices

Mixed Invoices can be matched to both purchase orders and invoices. Mixed invoices can have either positive or negative amounts.

PO Price Adjustment Invoices

PO Price Adjustment Invoices are for recording the difference in price between the original invoice and the new purchase order price. PO price adjustment invoices can be matched to both purchase orders and invoices.

Credit Memo

Credit Memos are memos from a supplier representing a credit amount toward goods or services. Credit memos are always negative amounts.

Debit Memo

Debit Memos are invoices you enter to record a credit for a supplier who does not send you a credit memo.


Prepayments are invoices you enter to record an advance payment for expenses to a supplier or employee.

Expense Reports

Expense Reports are invoices representing an amount due to an employee for business-related expenses.

Scheduled Payments

Scheduled payments are created based on payment terms when the invoice header is saved. An invoice header can have one or more scheduled payments.


Distribution details include invoice accounting details, the GL date, charge accounts, and project information. An invoice line can have one or more invoice distributions.

Entering Invoices Overview

You can enter and import invoices into Payables in many ways:

Manual Invoice Entry

You usually enter supplier invoices in either the Invoice Workbench or the Quick Invoices window. You can match to purchase orders when entering these invoices. For information on the differences between these windows, see the following section, Differences Between Entering Invoices in the Quick Invoices Window and the Invoice Workbench.

The following features highlight the differences between the Invoice Workbench and Quick Invoices:

Online results seen only in the Invoice Workbench Although the following occurs during import, in the Invoice Workbench you can see online results of the following:

Tasks performed during invoice entry only in the Invoice Workbench Although you can perform the following tasks in the Invoice Workbench after you have imported Quick Invoices, use the Invoice Workbench if you want to perform any of these tasks during invoice entry: