Michigan: How to Get Your Medical Card (and Renewal Process)

Getting a medical marijuana card in Michigan isn't difficult.

Obtaining or renewing a medical marijuana card in Michigan has never been easier and is made even easier with the state’s online application process, administered by the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP). The online application process is fast, easy, and the most efficient way to go about getting your MMJ card in Michigan.

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) is a state registry program within the Marijuana Regulatory Agency. The program administers the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act as approved by Michigan voters (2008). In order to apply or reapply for a medical marijuana card, you have to meet certain criteria. The criteria could include anything from filling out a form to updating your patient information, and a few other simple steps.

Applying for Your Patient Card Online

In order to apply online you must be a patient without a caregiver and create a secure online account. Your physician must also have an online account. Once you both have an account you should follow the instructions to apply for a Patient Only Registry Card.

Make Sure to Complete the Application Form for MMJ Card

Any use of white-out on or alterations to the Application Form will result in the denial of your application. If you are acting as either the legal guardian or Medical Durable Power of Attorney (MDPOA) for the applicant, you must submit a copy of proof of legal guardianship or MDPOA with signatory authority with the application.

The MDPOA or legal guardian must also submit a copy of his or her proof of Michigan Residency. If your MDPOA has specific conditions that must be met before it becomes activated, you must submit proof those conditions (e.g. proof the patient is incapacitated) have been met.

Application Fee for MMJ Patients in Michigan

There is a fee of $40, which is generally one of the better medical marijuana prices compared to most other states. This fee can range from upwards of $75- $200, so consider yourself lucky if you’re a patient living in Michigan!

Designating a Medical Marijuana Caregiver

If you are designating a caregiver, you will need a copy of the caregiver’s valid state-issued driver license or personal identification card. Other than that as long as they are in the system online, they are good to go!

Proof of Michigan Residency

In order to apply you will need a valid Michigan driver license, personal identification card, or signed voter registration. These copies must be clear and legible. A copy of a voter registration without a signature is not valid. If a patient submits a voter registration, you must include additional proof of valid identity for verification purposes (i.e., government issued document that includes your name and date of birth).

Physician Certification Form

A physician certification form must be completed and signed by a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine and surgery who holds a current license to practice in the State of Michigan. Any use of white-out on or alterations to the physician certification form will result in the denial of your application.

Renewing Your Medical Marijuana Card Online in Michigan

In order to renew your card online, you must be a patient without a caregiver (or willing to remove your caregiver at renewal) and create a secure online account. Your physician must also have an online account. From here, you’ll want to follow the instructions to renew a Patient Only Registry Card to get your card renewed.

Congratulations on Obtaining Your Patient Card in Michigan!

Once these forms and checklist are completed, you’re free to go! You’ll receive a copy of your MMJ card soon and can then immediately walk into any dispensary and get the medicine you need. So feel free to light one up once you’re legally allowed to do so! If you enjoyed this article please share it with your friends, especially those who live in Michigan!

Additional Resources on Medical Marijuana Card Certifications

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